Brianna got her turn for a week at Grandma and Grandpa's
last week and I've got quite an album of adventure to share.
Hang on!
Picking the last of this season's tomatoes. |
This hybrid vegetable grew from a transplant from our compost
pile. Probably in the squash family. |
Bri also got to pick cucumbers every day she was here. They're
now done for the season. |
Veggie lovers! |
Here's the unknown veggie. Judy prepared it in a delicada squash
recipe and it worked out just fine. |
Bri celebrates victory in "Call It," one of our favorite games, yet
one nobody else has heard of. It's cool! |
At Bri's suggestion, Judy and I tried the Longhorn for the first time.
Can you tell we're a little behind on the local scene? |
The weather was more cooperative than the week Hunter was
here, so Bri checked out the neighborhood mountain (AKA dirt pile). |
She conquered it, facing every challenge it presented. |
She raced ahead of me to check out the nearby greenway. |
Back to the dirt pile, scaling the "Grand Canyon." |
Later, we played Blockhead X Five. Chaos! |
While there was shade, we zigged and zagged in the Green Machines.
I'm delighted that even though I'm supposedly over the weight limit,
I can ride them with no damage (to me OR the machine). |
The immovable object meets the irresistible force. |
Judy took Bri and Claire to one of their favorite thrift locales,
the Sandhills Coalition Bargain Barn. |
Then a girls lunch at Pizza Cafe'. |
Wishes DO come true! |
These three have a lot of fun whatever they do together. |
Bri examines the latest Kirby tree house. |
And the way to get down. |
Renee stopped by with Ellie Mae/May. We loved meeting our
newest relative. |
Kitty appeared later and didn't seem to detect any dog cooties on us. |
Are you surprised to see us back at the mountain?
I think we went there every day. |
Bri got her first chance to play Cowboy RISK and loved it. |
We keep adding props, as well as more cowboy icons. |
Don't let her fool you -- she didn't win the game.
But I know better than to argue with someone with bull horns. |
We took off early one morning to visit the old property.
Bri spent a good while doing gymnastics moves on the trapeze. |
It's actually a double trapeze. She was amazing. |
Bri climbs the ladder to a giant magnolia. |
At a place we simply call "The Ditch," Bri spent a long time
swinging back and forth. Here, she leaps for the handlebars.
Those came from an old exercise machine. |
Just hanging around. |
The tree house is still neat, but doesn't seem as high as three years ago. |
Now to the stream. Since Bri was last here, I had cleared a trail
further upstream. She and Grandma went as far as possible. |
Bri has great memories of the stream starting from around age 3,
I guess. |
Bri and I found the deepest pool in the stream, just below the
biggest waterfall. |
Back at home, she conquered G'ma and G'pa.
Which means she rules the world! Look familiar? |
Granny and Granddaddy give her a much beloved doll for
her "family." Then we all watched "The Beverly Hillbillies"
after supper. |
This dogwood is still a favorite climbing tree. |
Something is WAY up in the air.
Your guess is as good as mine! |
Bri and I played Upwords cooperatively.
So nobody had to lose. |
Very interesting rules, different from Scrabble and others. |
We BOTH won! |
Here's that Call It game up close. We can play it in about 10
minutes, so it's a great go-to activity when we have just a little time. |
It's a wonderful thing when Georgia and North Carolina friends
have a rare chance to get back together. |
The girls fill two trays with wild spinning tops.
Which ones will survive? (The tops, I mean.) |
All of our vehicles got a major workout that day. |
To top it off, Amanda and Hunter arrived from Georgia before
the afternoon visit was over. Hunter proudly displays his newest
weapon -- a Nerf multi-shooter. |
A little later, the girls walked down to the train tracks to see the
afternoon freight. Here is a picture of friendship. |
That evening, Kitty was getting used to having company around,
even at feeding time. |
At first opportunity, both Bri and Hunter were ready to head back
to their mountain for further exploits. Look at that huge rock! |
Hunter's is so big I was afraid he would hold it over his head! |
Champion mountain scalers! Note the gloves-- sign of professionals. |
This mud pit was scarred with days of bombardment from above. |
When Bri went to Claire's birthday sleepover,
Hunter got a little more special time with me and Grandma.
His marble raceway really worked well. |
Here's his second creation. He was really good at arranging
them so the marble would ring a bell. |
The week was over too soon, but the memories will
go on and on. There's a two-way road to Georgia, and
one way or another we'll be seeing them plenty.
We love you Bri and Hunter!
(You, too, Amanda and Stephen).😉