Beulah Hill Baptist Church is located a short distance from the famed golf resort of Pinehurst, North Carolina. In fact, the church was established in 1895, the exact year of Pinehurst's founding.
This past summer, the church voted to do a total renovation of the building in which we have worshiped since 1959, over half a century. The work began in September 2011 and took about four months, concluding with the raising of a new steeple on January 5, 2012.
The church underwent a total makeover from top to bottom, inside and out. It included all-new carpeting, paint job with a new color scheme, re-worked / repadded / revarnished pews, all-metal roof, new fellowship hall lighting, new doors, new stained glass windows, the new steeple, and much more.
This blog is intended for the enjoyment of both members and friends of the church who would like a pictorial chronicling of the labors that have gone on. Three separate posts are planned. This one will portray most of the varied jobs that were completed. The second will feature the new stained-glass windows which depict ten scenes from the life of Christ. The final segment will detail the removal of the venerable old steeple and the raising of the new one.
The pictures are not in precise chronological order since many jobs were in progress simultaneously. But I hope they will give you some idea of the labor of love and spirit of excitedment that has pervaded our church body during the renovation. I'd like to think it compares favorably to what Ezra and Nehemiah experienced in the rebuilding of Jerusalem's walls and the temple.
The sanctuary pews were trucked off to High Point for varnishing and shortening to create more aisle space near the walls. |
Everything inside the church got a new coat of paint. Most notable is the sanctuary, which also sports a new color scheme. |
Concrete was poured for our rear downstairs entranceway. |
A rich, velvety carpet now covers the entire sanctuary. Other areas that were previously hardwood or linoleum are now carpeted as well. |
The old wooden downstairs doors were due for replacement. |
The sanctuary's new look without pews. |
Changes for the stairwell were in store, too. |
When the pews returned, a multi-stage process began. The pieces were laid out in their proper places for painstaking re-assembly. |
When that was accomplished, total reupholstering was done on-site.
The refurbished pews are padded on both the back and seat. |
New recessed lighting and replacement ceiling tiles have brightened the fellowship hall, scene of Bible study, special events, and many a good meal. |
New fixtures have modernized our downstairs rest rooms. |
Our pastor, Dr. Curtis Barbery, is pleased to preach from behind our original oak pulpit which has been brought out of retirement. Our other pulpit, handcrafted by member Helmut Blazek, is now used each week in the fellowship hall during Bible study. |
New tile added to the bathroom's more pleasing appearance. |
Many hands labored and much preparation was done prior to painting, carpeting, and other work. |
The nursery has been totally revamped with a user-friendly cork floor, bright, kid-friendly colors, and improved toys and supplies. |
Of course, much work had to be done getting rid of the old before the new could be installed. |
Every room in the church had to be totally emptied at least once during this renovation process.
Men of the church are accustomed to workdays, but many worknights were also held. |
Historically, Beulah Hill has attempted to employ the skills and knowledge of its own membership when possible and practical. |
The church's long-time motto is "Laborers together with God." Seldom has this been more apparent. |
Volunteers of all ages were welcomed and assigned a wide variety of helpful tasks. |
These ladies worked upstairs while their husbands worked downstairs. |
Everyone seems pleased with the metal roof which has replaced our worn shingles. |
Pastor Barbery gives an approving appraisal of the work, along with long-time building committee members Johnny Williamson and Wilbur Calcutt. |
Not everything was finished in time for November Homecoming, but the fellowship hall was ready. |
For many members who have moved away, returning for Homecoming would be a first glimpse of many of the building improvements. |
It was a beautiful day, and as both present and former members gathered for worship, all thanked God for blessing the efforts that had been done in His name and for His glory. |
In his loyalty, steadfastness, and love for all, Steve Graham embodies the qualities of Christ that we all strive to emulate. In many ways, Steve is the heart and soul of our church, and he is thrilled to see the many wonderful improvements.
Be sure to view the other posts which will highlight the stained-glass windows and the new church steeple. |
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