Friday, May 3, 2019

Eager Nature Lovers at SCCS

Last week Judy and I got a special invite from Evan (or a 
"command performance") to share all about nature with his
2nd grade class at Sandhills Classical Christian School.
What a great afternoon we had!

Here are Judy, Ken, Evan, unnamed rubber snake,
and Chipper.

The students were all ears from the outset.
I started by talking about cycles in nature.  You know:
bicycles, tricycles, unicycles, and popsicles (sic).

I shared from Genesis 1: 11 that LIFE is one circle
that does have a beginning:
"Then God said, Let the land produce vegetation: seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds.  And it was so. . . .
And God saw that it was good."

I demonstrated with a tiny pond creature called a daphnia
how God designed his plant and animal creations to fill
the earth He had created.

 Generation 1: a single daphnia

Generation 2

Generation 3

With generation 4 you get ---

We discussed the basics of photosynthesis.

We talked about producers and consumers in plant and 
animal communities.

I told them about the Farm Life Nature Trail
 just a couple of miles from their school.
I used examples from it to tell about the interactions
 of the living things at all levels of a typical forest.

We expanded on that by passing out a dozen ecology charts 
showing the diversity and relationships among living things
of the desert, tide pools, mountainsides, grasslands, ponds,
forest, and many more ecosystems.

We passed the charts around and everyone looked for
their favorite or most unusual animals.  I left these
with the class for the next couple of weeks to give 
them more opportunity to inspect them.

I passed out laminated leaves from ferns, trees, vines,
and shrubs from my nature trail.  We discussed how
you must be a nature "detective" if you really want to
see the differences between plans and get to know them.

 Of course, I saved the Snake Show for last.
Some students were disappointed that I didn't
bring a live snake.  Others were relieved.

Here I'm holding a Chicken Snake.  I also showed them
the Black Eraser, the Chain Snake, the Wiper Viper,
and many more.

This has to be a hands-on activity.
Otherwise, I would have gotten "booed" out of the place.

Amid the silliness of "fake snakes," I shared some
true facts about real snakes and how to catch and
hold them properly.  I gave them all the proper
safety disclaimers (Never... blah blah blah!!).

Evan demonstrates what his Grandpa (me) has
taught him about snake handling.  Oops!

Even rubber snakes can give you the creeps.

Since I put Evan's "serious" picture with us at the
beginning, I'll let him ham it up a little here.

And here.

Evan, thank you for inviting me and Grandma to 
your class.  It was the most special school day I've
had in a long, long time!

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