Monday, December 27, 2010

Snow in the Sandhills?

Yes, it does snow in North Carolina's Sandhills.  Not too often, and not too much, generally.  But our "welcome mat" is always out for any visitation by the white stuff.

Our snow didn't begin until after midnight Saturday, so technically we didn't have even a smidgen of a white Christmas.  But that worked out so much better for our holiday plans we didn't bemoan that fact.

And because our snow came a day "late," these grateful birds were able to enjoy a sheltered meal at the window bird feeder that Judy gave me for Christmas.  The little sparrows and titmice have kept it busy constantly.

Our other feeder was popular, too, hosting as many as four or five birds at a time.  Sparrows, cardinals, titmice, chickadees, and doves.  Soon Brianna and Claire will be perching on the inside with me looking at these happy birds on the outside.  I can't wait.

A healthy dose of snow provides the contrast that many of us in the south love.  We figure, if it's got to be cold, we might as well enjoy the snow.  Three bags of sand are designated for a new sandpile next spring for the grandbabies.  Sand is the white stuff our area is much more commonly known for than snow.

Kitty Cat's perch, the flower pot on top of this white oak trunk, will be inaccessible for at least a few days.  Although Kitty Cat loves the snow, I don't think it makes a suitable bed for him.  And that trunk will probably become firewood by next winter.

At the edge of our field you can see the menagerie created by the countless flakes adorning our new-growth forest.

Amazing how snow can transform any scene into a wintery Christmas card image.

We've enjoyed little "tunnels" around the property.  The children love to go through them in the strollers on our rambles.  The snow gives them an ethereal look.  No matter how sheltered the branches and vines make it appear, you can see an ample carpeting of the powdery flakes filtered through.

This longleaf pine branch is bent low by the snow's weight at the top of our driveway.  It would have given the top of our car a sweeping-- if  we had needed to go anywhere this day, which we didn't.

The swing set is something else that will remain dormant for a while.  I predict it will be doubly appreciated by the children after some time off.  If the current forecast of temperatures as high as 60 comes true, we may not have as long a lay-off as we thought.  But winter's far from over, that's certain.

We had taken a long morning walk and about 4:00 I asked Judy is she wanted to venture down to the stream at the back of our property.  We decided it would only be colder the next day, so we bundled up in our now-dry apparel and trudged off.  This is Judy, though with only a few square inches of face exposed, you'll have to take my word for it.  Just a couple of steps behind her, an icy stream tinkled like a gently swaying chandelier.  If something can sound cold, this did.

Judy obliged me by taking a picture of me, as well.  A cross between Frosty and the Michelin Man, but I'm thankful for these clothes that effectively keep out the cold.  (I don't know why we feel we must take pictures of ourselves, as if to prove we were really there.  Obviously, somebody took these pictures.)

We're nearing the end of this little tour.  I hope you dared to venture out in your neighborhood for a little firsthand appreciation of the snow.  How else will you harvest some for snowcream (yes, Judy made us a delicious batch)?  This is Judy's prayer garden, with swing, chiminea, birdbath, and all on temporary sabbattical.  But we'll be out there again before you know it.  Only the birds braved it on this winter day.

Yes, snow sometimes visits us, even in the Sandhills.  The land of the longleaf pine instantly acquires a new and wondrous majesty.  This year, 2010, the visitation was a most special gift from God.

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