Welcome to a special series of
blog posts featuring all aspects
of Beulah Hill Baptist Church's
recent renovation project.
There will be dozens of photos
as well as some explanatory
comments. It may be more than
you wish to view in one sitting,
but I hope you will want to see
it all at some point.
You can see all the blog posts by
continuing to scroll down. This is the
order in which you will come to titles:
* A Portrayal of the Life of Christ
(The scriptures that accompany the
new stained-glass windows)
* Beulah Hill Baptist Church
Renovation Part I
(Covers a wide range of indoor
and outdoor improvements)
* Beulah Hill Renovation: Stained
Glass Windows Depict the Life of Christ
(This shows the actual installation of
the windows and is different from
the scripture blog which precedes it.)
* Beulah Hill's New Steeple is Raised
(This includes photos as well as
three exciting videos of the raising.)
I hope the posts are a blessing to you.
I have been greatly blessed by following
the months of work and seeing the
inspiring fruits of this labor.