Thursday, January 5, 2012

Christmas at Granny and Grandaddy's 2011

I feel richly blessed that our family was
able to gather for Christmas fellowship
at Judy's parents' home once again.  The
exuberant joy of the grandchildren is the
focus of today's blog.  And there will be
a Part II.  I promise.

"Hello, this is Brianna.  We're all here at Granny's and Grandaddy's and we'd love for you to join us right away!"

Hunter: "Wow, just look at all those presents!  Who do you think they're for?  We've already had all our birthdays for this year."

Claire: "Now everybody say che-e-e-se. Except for me, of course.  I'm the photo-ma-tographer."

Stephen: "And Bri, this is Santa's grabber.  It's for putting stuff way down in children's stockings."

Evan: "I'll give you three guesses what Grandma's been feeding me."

Hunter: "Surely you know man does not live by bread alone. How 'bout a banana?"

Brianna: "Now everybody say 'limberger'.  No, that doesn't sound right . . . .

Hunter: "What do you mean 'Am I Tinkerbell or Peter Pan?'"

Evan: "Doesn't anyone care about the camera besides me?"

Hunter: "Look, everybody.  I can palm a basketball!"

Let the chaos begin!

Bri gets an instant jewelry collection.

Nothing could make Granny and Grandaddy happier than to see all the happy children scattered around their living room floor.

Claire's dream: AN AIRPLANE!


Bri: "Yahoo! Now I'll have a copy of Wheels on the Bus for Grandma's house and one for home."

Hunter: "Hey y'all.  What's wrong with the goofy ball?"

Evan: "Trust me.  I know what I'm doing.  I've done stairways steeper than this hundreds of times."

No, no Hunter.  Don't touch that nasty stuff.  Get away while you can!

Now that's more like it!
(Hunter stayed in that glide rocker as proud as if he had climbed Mount Everest)

Well folks, I'd better warn you.  This is only HALF of the pictures from Christmas Day.  Then I'll be blogging about our second Christmas in Atlanta.  If you're not that interested you can check back in a few days.  I'm sure I'll have something else to blog about by then.  But if you ARE interested, I promise more cute snapshots and corny captions.  It's a new year, but some things never change!

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