Friday, June 18, 2010

Brianna and Claire have BIG NEWS!

If you haven't been in touch with me recently or following Amanda or Jennifer's blogs (see links at left), you may not have heard the big news. I'll let Brianna tell you (since she's the oldest).

Brianna: "Me and Claire are gonna be BIG SISTERS!"
Yep. You heard her right. What she didn't say is that both she and Claire are gonna have little brothers. I know. That's not typical for our family. In fact, in 1953, I was the last male Loyd born in our line. That's a long time to wait for more boys. Updates will follow in future blogs, you can count on that.

Now, back to the usual caption crazies.
Judy: "Now I lay me down to sleep, I . . . . Girls, you're not participating."

Brianna: "Who's got the biggest nose. I pick this one. Tee hee."

Claire: "No, this isn't The Very Hungry Caterpillar. It's the caterpillar with yummy blue vinyl antennae."

Brianna: "Sure, I can stand up by myself. Is that all I have to do to get more food?"

Claire: "Scuse me. I haven't got GPS. Can you tell me where I am?"

Claire: "One more second and I'll know what makes that little Adam's apple thingy move."
Brianna: "And we do this whenever we say 'Mercy sakes' or 'Heavens to Betsy.' Whoever she is."

Claire: "Somehow, life just seems more manageable in this shade of blue."

Brianna: "Okay, Grandma. Ready or not, here I come (she doesn't know I can smell banana on her-- I have to humor her)."

Brianna: "And when I have a little brother, I'm gonna squeeze him just like this. Or harder."

Claire: "Whose idea was it to have so many little toys with eyeballs in them? Uh, Grandpa?"

Brianna: "Cousin Claire, you keep distracting her. I've almost got the other earring."
Then there was the day that Claire was at our house without Brianna.
She brought her own caption: "My grandparents don't spoil me. They're just very accommodating.

Claire: "I believe in a careful balance between athletics and academics."

Claire: "I told you it was juicy gossip, Grandma!"

Claire: "When all else fails, I just do it myself."
From October to November the number of grandchildren will double. So will the fun, no doubt. Stick around for the latest shenanigans (of babies AND grandparents)!

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