Monday, July 15, 2013

Return to Camelot

A play date at Pinehurst's Camelot Park was a
perfect way to spend a morning with Oma (Leila),
Bri and Hunter last week.

No obstacle stopped Hunter from getting
where he wanted to go.

And he went lots of places where us
grownups couldn't follow!

Bri shows Oma how easily she can get around
on this new web-like piece of equipment.

Hunter said, "I'm in JAIL."

After this little girl played the chimes,
Hunter just had to ring those bells, too.

Bri showed exceptional balance, and is ready to
leap off.  Ready to walk Grandpa's tree, Bri?

Not satisfied to go up or down the slide, Hunter
wants to get on top like he saw an older boy do.

I'm not sure this slide was designed for two way
traffic, but that's how it worked out.

Bri was all about bouncing this day.

Ta dah!

Hunter says, "Hold on tight, everybody.  Oh,
there's nobody but me!"

No matter how long it took, Hunter was going
to clamber up these tires to his destination.

He experimented with different climbing styles
and met with a lot of success.

He'd much rather go the wrong way than the right way.
Here are five action videos from our morning at
Camelot.  They're terrific (the kids, if not the videos)!

Impressed? I was!
This is a determined young man.

It was hard to get the kids to slow down for a break,
but Oma had packed some tempting snacks.

Way to go, Oma.  You deserve a medal!
Let's all do this again sometime!

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