Monday, January 25, 2021

A COVID version of "Don't Get Around Much Anymore"

If this is a different kind of blog post for me, it's just
because I'm eclectic.
On January 20 I shared a piano rendition of "Don't Get
Around Much Anymore," commenting that it was an
appropriate title for these dark days of coronavirus.
My good friend Beverly Smith suggested that I come
up with my own COVID-specific lyrics. It was Sunday
night before I got around to it (so to speak). But the 
words came to me quickly, and this morning I typed
them up and recorded the new version.
It's meant to contain a little humor and a little wisdom 
for these times. I hope you enjoy it.



Larry Steve Crain said...

Well done, Ken. Helps ease the pain in society.

Unknown said...

Great stuff. Makes you remember the good ole days with a smile. Thanks