Saturday, February 27, 2021

The Father's Time: the Right Time

As I have recently been studying the Gospel of John, some passages regarding “time” have given me cause to reflect. Before I get into that, though, recall the familiar passage from Ecclesiastes 3:

“There is a time for everything,

And a season for all things under heaven.”

It goes on to enumerate many of the events, pursuits, and activities which comprise our earthly walks.  We often put much thought into deciding what is the “right” time for certain things in our lives. Marrying, buying a house, having children, changing jobs.

In John 2:4, Jesus’s mother, Mary, urged him to assist at a wedding in Cana. It was something like: “They have no more wine—hint, hint….” Though Jesus did come through in a miraculous way, his first response was, “My time has not yet come.”

In John 7:6, Jesus’s brothers urged him to go to the Feast of Tabernacles in Judea, that more people could see his miracles. He replied to them, “The right time for me has not yet come.” Yet he did afterward go to the feast, not publicly, but in secret.

Throughout the gospels, we see Jesus in action, healing, casting out demons, even raising Lazarus from the dead. In every instance, He knew when it WAS the right time.

For me, the culmination of these instances is in John 17: 1. Here at the Last Supper, Jesus prayed, “Father, THE TIME HAS COME. Glorify your Son, that your Son may glorify you.”

This was only hours before Jesus’s arrest, mock trial, and crucifixion would follow in a shocking cascade of events.

Yet Jesus knew this was the RIGHT time, the time for which He had come into the world. On a personal level, this makes me ponder. Each day, in God’s view, there are countless things for which the time is “right.” We can be a part of these things if we are aware of them.  Our challenge is to be so attuned to the prompting of the Holy Spirit that we recognize these opportunities. We can do this by spending time in prayer and in studying God’s Word, the Bible. And by being vigilant; using our spiritual eyes and ears.

Easter is fast approaching. Think of what Jesus endured on the cross, but knowing full well the glory of the resurrection that awaited—and what that means to us. Jesus knew it was exactly the right time—God’s time.

Think of how today, tomorrow, or the next day might be the perfect time for something in your own life. And with God’s help, you can do it, whatever it is!

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