Thursday, December 20, 2012

Getting Ready to Ring Out 2012

Well, Christmas is next Tuesday, and I've
got some terrific grandkid pictures from the
last three weeks that I haven't gotten around
to posting.  So get ready to go into high gear
and be forewarned: we're on OVERLOAD!!

Hunter: "Listen, I'm gonna tell you one more time-- TALK!"

Brianna: "Anywhere you're going, I'm going, too!"

Hunter: "Yeah, well we don't buy from door-to-door guys."

Hunter: "This tent has an emergency escape route."

Sure, Bri.  Just ride your horse right in the tent
like you own the place.

"No problem.  The more, the merrier."

"This'll only take a minute, ma'am.
We're doing a potato census."

Do the legs on this table look a little short to you?

Nope, those legs are just the right size.

This was the scene at the Loyd/Kirby/Talbert family
dinner at the end of November.  

These children were like little adults, eating calmly,
conversing, and staying at the table longer than usual.

Hunter: "I love my cuz.
 Plus, Evan doesn't have a seatbelt."

Snakes and dragons seem to be a current fascination.
Hunter and Claire explore just what this snake can eat.

When these four are together, the grownups job
actually gets easier.  Sometimes, at least.

The computer trumps almost any toy we have.
Especially videos of monster trucks.

The next day we were at Amanda's house while
Jennifer and Amanda ran the 5K Reindeer Run.
Hunter: "Come into my lair, said the spider to the fly."

If you're going to slide headfirst it pays to employ
a stuffed animal for cushioning.

A simpler blanket transforms an indoor slide into a
playhouse-- with lots of hiding places and secret entrances.

Us three adventurers need a rest break.
Especially Grandpa.

But Grandma says she's not the least bit tired!
Up and at 'em!

Hunter is ready to show how his horse goes from
zero to sixty in about 10 seconds.  Just look at that
mischievous grin!

I never would have believed it, but we checked on the
kids after they both disappeared upstairs and found
them resting!  Aren't they darling?

Dear Reader, you may need a rest, too, so I'm going to
pause from posting pictures and do a separate blog to
wrap up December 2012.

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