Monday, February 18, 2013

Grandkid Shenanigans

Here are some glimpses of fun with the
grandkids in early February.

At Bri's house, she prepares to show you 
the hair that Grandpa braided, adorned
by two lovely ribbons.

 View # 1

 View # 2 is my favorite.  She's adorable.

Amanda and Judy make sure these children are 
amply supplied with strawberries and other fresh 
fruit at all times.There are never any complaints.

 Bri even snapped a photo of me and
Judy while we were there.

Bri and Hunter are used to helping Amanda
in the kitchen all the time, so once again
Judy involved them in preparing the chicken
nuggets and pizza rolls.

On a different day, it was warm enough
for Evan and Claire to play outdoors 
at our house.  So it was off to the sandpile
to bake cookies, cakes, and muffins.

Here's Evan in his red-hot roadster.  I'll
take the kids anywhere on the property 
they want to go.  A good workout.

There was a time when Evan wanted nothing
to do with this tire swing horse, but he loved
it this day.

Claire says,"Thanks for stopping by.  You're
just in time to help with the cleaning!"

These next few pictures feature our Santa
Claus train, which for some reason (Grandpa
couldn't find it) didn't get pulled out till February!

Bri gets in the mood by fastening her
jingle bell bracelet.

First we'll see if Santa can push the train.

Okay, li'l train.  Just see if you can go
between my feet.  I dare you!

Whooo-Whooo!  Comin' through!

But the most fun of all is setting up
unavoidable crashes!

Bri and Hunter both love to create things
with these magnetic construction pieces.
Like many of our best toys, these once
belonged to Jennifer and Amanda.

Here are two wonderful cars Bri created
a little later when it was her turn.

As for Hunter, he had moved on to snack
time.  And the most fun is being allowed
to use Grandma's special scissors to open
fruit snacks all by himself!

Let's wrap it up with this 2 minute video.
It consists of Bri's imaginary phone call,
Hunter's analysis of a nesting ball, and 
some cute interactions.

If you think this was fun, my next post will
have all four grandkids together.  Now that
is simply not to be missed!

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