Sunday, April 14, 2013

Ken the Snake Man Bows in Homage to Judy the Snake Lady

Ever since my Camp Cherokee years starting 
in 1972, I've been known as Snake Man by
some.  I've handled hundreds of snakes at camp,
at school, at home, or anywhere folks asked me
to "assist with removal."  But I have to bow down
to Judy after the record of the past week.

Just a week ago, Judy and I were at our stream.
She spotted a Southern Water Snake like this one.
We both studied it closely, fearing it might be a
water moccasin, since this is a place we frequent
with the grandchildren.  But as it swam away I got
a good look at all its features and positively identified
it on the internet.  Score one for Judy.

A day or two later, we were loading the car
for a day trip to the Eno River.  As I walked
from the car back to the house, I observed
that Kitty Cat had deposited one of his latest
"love offerings" (dead, of course) in the little
hole in the yard where he "nests."  It was a 
small red-bellied snake, a harmless garden visitor.
He's certainly harmless now.

While hiking on a hillside along Pea Creek,
a tributary to the Eno River, Judy spied this
Black Rat Snake.  I got one photo before it
disappeared down a hole under nearby rocks.
That's why there's no closeup.  Black Rat Snakes
are my favorite, as my former students and
regular readers know.  They're friendly and put on
a good show (that's easy for long, sleek constrictors).

We hadn't gone far when Judy sighted
this most excellent of snakes, a KING SNAKE!
I haven't seen one in the wild since I was a 
beginning teacher and saw one on a roadside
near Farm Life School.  They fearlessly devour
other snakes, with the poisonous ones being
their favorite.  There's no downside to having
them around. Unless you're prone to heart failure.

What a beautiful specimen!  And quite
willing to wait for me to snap pictures.
He was still resting in this position when
we continued our trek.  That was the end
of our snake sightings that day.

This morning, Judy was brushing her teeth
before heading off to church.  I was glancing
at the newspaper when she came in and said
"There's something you need to see in the
bathroom."  Well, to cut to the chase, she 
showed me and I said, "Go ahead and brush
your teeth while I go get the camera."

 She did, and I did, and here's the result.

Yes, Judy has nerves of steel.  Out of the
five snakes we encountered in this one week,
she was first to see four.  The dead one was
the only one I could claim.

All Hail to You, Snake Lady!
Oh, okay, I'll do something with it, ma'am.
Just let me get a couple of more pictures.
If the grandkids were coming tomorrow I'd
catch it to show them.  But it needs to eat.

"Click."  Just one more picture.  Oh, that's
a good one.  What a cute fellow.

Oops.  I think I waited too long.  He seems
to have retreated into the hole in the wall
from whence he emerged.  Uh, don't worry
Snake Lady.  I promised to permanently block
up the point of entry.  And after Judy left for
church that's exactly what I did.  I stuffed some
foam into the slender space between the wall
and medicine cabinet.  Then I sealed it with
duct tape (Yay, duct tape!)
Now go catch a mouse little snake.  And
ma'am you don't have to worry about that
snake coming in that way again.  Next time
he'll probably just use the front door!

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