Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The Snake, April Family Night and More

If you didn't see our snake story on
Facebook, here it is again.  Talk about
an unwelcome house guest!

But for us, anything involving a snake
seems pretty routine.  So I told Judy to
go ahead and brush her teeth while I
fetched the camera.  What a trooper Judy
is . . . to put up with all the snakes and me!

Here's a closeup before we say goodbye to our
little reptile friend.  You can tell he's quite small.
Now that I've taken preventive measures to keep
him from revisiting us, I hope he's eating up all the
even less desirable bugs and rodents near our house.
Well, let's move on.  We just hosted our
monthly family night.  Here are some images.
Dinner is served!  What ladies and gentlemen they are!

There were absolutely no spills by the kids this
evening.  So apparently everything got into their tummies.

Bri clambers up to join the others.  This old bed has
become a favorite spot for viewing videos or reading.

While Hunter eyes the camera, Bri is transfixed by
some action in "The Jungle Book."  And she does a
nice job of balancing and eagle and my strawberry
salt and pepper shakers at the same time.

Bri is very attached to the balancing eagle.  It is
a point of pride that she can stand the pain of his beak!

Evan and Hunter mix con-struction with de-struction.

Trucks, balls, and factories finally win out, even
over the roaring T-Rex.

Claire lovingly clutches her baby.  Historical footnote:
That beautiful dress is the one our Jennifer wore to
church the very first time she went, 33 years ago.  It
was a gift from our long-time friends Catherine and
James Williams.

The boys love to watch things on the computer, and
their favorites involve watching each other.  Often,
upon these two-year olds entering the house the first
thing I hear is "Watch Hunter" or "Watch Evan."

Evan hams it up with Amanda.

Hunter isn't jealous.  He's oblivious.

And why should he be jealous?
He gets to take Amanda home.

Hunter: "I'm ready to go home.  I've got
my jacket."  Uh Hunter, you've forgotten something.
Okay, let's change gears again.  The following
Monday, Claire and Evan were back at our house.
Claire absolutely adores painting with water.  We even
have some vintage paint-with-water books.

And where better to let them dry than the woodbox.
NO!  We would never use them for fire starters!

Dr. Evan is now seeing patients.
More trusted than Dr. Oz.  And less expensive.

I don't know about these shots to the neck.  Uh,
where did you get your degree?
What degree?  I just said I'm practicing medicine!

Grandma's don't even need an appointment with
Dr. Ev.  I'll even knock a coupla bucks off your co-pay.

Claire eyes us from the wrong end of a New Year's
Eve party horn.  It's never too early to party, she says.

Evan offers to help Grandma clip coupons.
Especially for Goldfish and other good snacks.

Grandpa isn't very soft, but the kids don't seem to
mind.  Snuggling with them during a cartoon is so fun.

Evan thinks he'd better climb on Grandpa's
knees while Grandpa still has the originals.

Hmm.  I think maybe we'd better take a look at that . . .

Next blog will feature videos starring these very
same lovable kids.  Check back soon.

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