Friday, April 24, 2009

Brianna Turns Seven (days old, that is)

Yes, it's Friday, and since Brianna arrived last Saturday, she is a WEEK old today (at 9:18, specifically, but let's not get technical). She seems to have found all things acceptable during our trial period, and it appears she will keep us! Yes!
Judy and I popped in for a visit and got to hold Brianna to our hearts' content. Here are the latest pics.
Judy, Amanda, and Brianna
Whose knees are these? It's almost worth opening my eyes to find out.
Oh, are they still here?
Nobody could get tired of this!

Let the record show-- she hasn't cried for me yet!


Dawn H said...

I'm soooooo jealous!!!! I hear it's the best feeling in the world! Agree?

Ken Loyd said...

I whole-heartedly agree! Glad you're checking up on us!

Jennifer Kirby said...