Sunday, November 29, 2009

I'm Thankful for . . . SPIDERS?!

Okay, I'll admit it's a quirky post-Thanksgiving blog post. Thankful for SPIDERS?

I don't really love spiders the way I love snakes, but I do admire and respect their skills and entrepreneurial success. I don't like them roaming freely inside my house, but when one takes up lodging outside, I find it gratifying to contemplate the Creator and creation. God designed these little arachnids perfectly for their purpose (we won't get into what that is).

This specimen, a hump-backed orb weaver (web of concentric circles), took up residentce beneath our satellite dish recently. By virtue of it also being under a floodlight, I experimented with my various camera settings at night.

Here, it looks a Fort Bragg paratrooper in free fall.

Daytime photos proved more revealing and rewarding. The heavy dew one morning were reminiscent of "Charlotte's Web." Which is about the best "press/marketing" ploy for spider's that's ever been pulled off.
Admit it, aren't you looking for words like "Some Pig," "Radiant," "Terrific," and "Humble?" Maybe you won't find those, but you certainly will find a miracle in this web and all other webs.

As I mentioned, there is much to admire and respect in spiders, even if you don't like their creepy movements, unexpected appearance, and bloodthirsty ways (see the aforementioned "Charlotte's Web."

The white siding of our house sets off this spider at rest. Patiently meditating. Not knowing where your next meal will come from breeds patience. According to Charlotte.
Charlotte also said she did her best thinking upside down. I don't recommend that, at least not for extended periods.

I would have posted a video of this spider at work, but she's been resting most of the time when I had my camera handy.

I hope I haven't offended anyone by these somewhat positive thoughts about a much-maligned octoped. But I was always taught, "If you can't say anything nice about a spider, don't say anything at all."
So here's my last "something nice:" Charlotte was all about friendship, loyalty, and sacrifice. And she was a GREAT WRITER!

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