Monday, December 26, 2011

Having a Ball with Hunter

Hot on the heels of a wonderful Christmas
with our family, I'm sharing some end-of-year
photos of Hunter today.  I'll blog more about
Christmas in the near future-- but ours isn't
over yet!

As I loaded these recent pictures, I noticed
that almost every one featured Hunter with
a ball.  Hence, the title.  This wire basket
served as a rudimentary "practice hoop"
for indoor basketball.

He's up over the rim and . . .

he slams it home!  TWO POINTS!

Uh huh.  Are you beginning to see a pattern?

Even in his swing, he keeps working
on his jumpshot technique.

YAY!  That one went forward!

"Um, could somebody help me lift this
over my head (a little heavier than the
beach ball he warmed up with)?"

"Kitty Cat, would you mind fetching that
basketball for me?"

"Thanks, Grandpa.  I forgot Kitty Cat
doesn't fetch (or anything else that
hints at servitude)."

Hunter works on his Fisher-Price basketall
hoop while Brianna tries out a mini-football.

Yup.  You guessed it.  It was less than a
minute before Hunter ventured into a
new sport.

At half-time, Grandpa Loyd called us
from Atlanta.  We sat in Judy's prayer
garden swing and chatted.  One of us
decided to catch a few winks.

"Grandpa, I don't think I can make it
out for the second half.  Just tell 'em it's
naptime and I forfeit."
That's okay, big guy. 
There will be other game days in 2012.
Lots of 'em.

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