Saturday, December 24, 2011

Pre-Christmas Special: Evan and Claire ... and Kitty Cat

It's almost 10:30 on Christmas Eve and this will be posted before Santa arrives.  I doubt if (m)any of my readers will see this tonight, but Merry Christmas, anyway.

Just like Santa's toysack, this blog is a mixed bag (eclectic, ya know).  It has Evan and Claire and Kitty Cat and Dasher and Dancer and Prancer ...
WHOA, WHOA, WHOA.  I'm getting ahead of myself.

Okay, let's start with Evan.  He's giving some of
Grandma's chocolate chip cookies the taste test.

"Uh, Grandma.  I think I'll need to sample
another one before I render a verdict."

Claire: "Evan, if you eat 'em fast, they forget
how many you've already eaten."

Of course, Evan is versatile.  He can down
a banana in record time.

Surrounded by a roomful of Christmas
icons, Claire snuggles up to Grandma
for a Capri Sun and an airplane video.
Yeah, that's right.  An airplane video.

Evan, on his little beach chair, wonders
how to get from here to there.

Claire shows Granny some of our
Christmas playthings. Like candles . . .

and Santa ornaments . . .

and a tic-tac-toe board with
Santas and Frostys.

Evan: "Santa can't have as much cool
stuff as Grandma and Grandpa!"

Speaking of Santa, isn't it about time he
rounded up Dasher . . .

and Dancer . . .

and Prancer?
I'm just kidding.  All three of those
were Dasher.  And he left for the
North Pole in plenty of time.

Now, for a bonus, because you've been
very good.  Here's a video of little Evan.
Again, he's in his beach chair.  When
Claire and Grandma decide to head to
the kitchen, he wants to follow, but spends
a little time figuring how to climb down.
Then he has to acquire his blanket plus
inspect the camera before he takes off
to the kitchen, where the action is.

And now for an EXTRA-SPECIAL
SUPER DUPER bonus, allow me to
present Kitty Cat.  If this post wasn't
already eclectic, it certainly will be now!
This was recorded a few days ago when
Kitty Cat had to take an anti-biotic.
The way it revitalized him-- filling him
with kitten-like energy and playfulness,
I wonder if some of us humans might
like a dose of our vet's magic elixir.
Anyway, I hope you get a kick of this.

Now, regular readers, I'm sure you noticed
the absence of Brianna and Hunter in this post.
That's only because I took SO many pictures
of them Friday, they'll need a post of their
own.  Coming up right after Christmas!

One and All!

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