Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Simple Gifts

I've always loved the old Shaker hymn,
"Simple Gifts."  God has lovingly surrounded us
 with simple wonders for our comfort and delight.

This is surely an angel wing.  Or a heavenly logo.

No artist's pallet can match God's display.

And the rainbow trumps the most beautiful
sunset because of the promise of hope it holds.

Here in our own quiet little woods I find our
humble waterfall (4 inches after a good rain)
inspirational and calming.  On the near side
of this tiny island are a couple of potential
swimming holes.  A bridge of cedar logs is
in the works.

This short video pans the serene spot.

The path to the stream cuts through a vast
expanse of alder bushes in full bloom.  The
sweet smells fill the air.

In this video you can't see what Judy and I
saw: an abundance of bees, butterflies and
various other insects.

Smack dab in the center is one of our dragonflies.

Downstream from the waterfall is this simple
bridge.  You can see how much higher the
water has been with recent rains, but a few
dry days lowers it quickly.

Every time Judy and I venture down there
we see numerous damselflies (smaller than
dragonflies) of green and iridescent turquoise.

In this final video, one cooperative Tiger
Swallowtail Butterfly allows me to intrude
on his feeding time.  You may not see him
at first, but every time he moves to a new
plant you can follow him.

A day after I took these pictures, young
Brianna asked me if we could go "see the
water."  We tramped down there in spite of
the heat.  She never slowed up.  And to see 
the wonder on her face as we went back and 
forth from the bridge to the waterfall time
after time was a simple but precious gift to me.
I think it will be a special spot to all the 
grandchildren in the years ahead. 

 Thank you, God.