Monday, August 20, 2012

Zoom Zoom, Slide Slide, etc.

On a recent evening it was NASCAR Night
at Bri and Hunter's house.

Bri's really bearing down-- she has to duck
to make it under Grandpa's bridge (legs).
And I took this picture looking upside down.

And then she has to show how far
backward she can lean while taking a curve.

Hunter says, "I may not be as fast as Bri,
but I'm a road warrior.  Look out!"

A blanket converts the slide into a hideout
and draws the racers away.  Bri likes the
challenge of the face-first slide.  Not me.
I got some stitches in my nose sledding once.

What balance Hunter demonstrates!  Both 
kids did this over and over.

Sometimes Bri tried to facilitate Hunter's
ascent to speed things along.

Hunter says, "I can see you but 
you can't see me."

Highlights of this video:
The joy of repetition
Bri's inimitable laugh
The joy of sliding on your belly button
Both kids saying "Cool"
Blowing kisses at your Grandpa
(only to be spoiled by a nudge from sister)
While filming, I tried not to converse with
Hunter, but it wasn't easy!

By the time Mommy gets home, Hunter
has already gone peacefully to dreamland.
And Bri is glad to have Mommy to herself.

These gals have something really
special, don't they?
And Judy and I are thankful to be part of it.

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