Wednesday, November 21, 2012

November Frolics: a mixed bag

I have still got a ton of catching up to do
on my November blogging.  Fortunately,
I'm only minimally involved in the prep
work for Thanksgiving dinner (by that I
mean I will do heavy lifting and transport).
Thus, I hope to get three blog posts done 
in the next two days.  These pictures go 
back 2 to 3 weeks.

Rather than climb up in my lap, a tired Hunter just
nestles on my shoe between my knees.

Here's the panoramic view.  Doesn't look very
comfortable, but to each his own.

They say three's a crowd, but not if they're cousins
who adore each other (Hunter, Claire, and Brianna).

On Halloween, we dropped in on Evan and Claire in
 their neighborhood.  Look at this pirate licking his chops.

Evan demonstrates how wide I should open my
mouth to eat this tractor.  I must look very hungry.

Claire, aka "Bad Guy Batman," casts a wary eye
from her Bat-Cycle.

Batman is a public servant, but he
gladly accepts candy.  Nice perk.

"Aarrghhh!  This pirate has an itch!"

A quick bat-scan reveals that all of
this candy is safe for consumption.

This jolly pirate seems to have something
sneaky up his tattered sleeve.
The cousins were reunited in Atlanta the 
following Sunday, the day before Daddy's
funeral.  Our family dined at the famous
(and family friendly) Athens Pizza.  The
kids were a hit.  
You don't want to keep this hungry bunch waiting
long.  They're heavily armed.

Of course, we know from experience that a good
book can take your mind off your appetite.  And
Judy came prepared with a mini-library for the kids.

All these kids have been immersed in good books
since (and even before) birth.  I highly recommend this.

The kids fit right in, warming up to being
outnumbered by a dozen adults.

These two handsome dudes sure made me
forget about my appetite.

These prince charmings are easily entertained by
my silly little games.

Proud daddy Matt holds up birthday boy Evan.  His
birthday would actually be the next day, but we
celebrated it early and often this year.

Bri feels right at home with her Georgia cousins.

Evan tops off the evening by blowing out the lights
on his personal size birthday cake.

More blogs following soon!

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