Thursday, January 17, 2013

January Action, part one

Pictures and videos are already starting
to pile up in 2013.  So let's get started
with chronicling a great new year.
Brianna knows a little bit about celebrating.

How do ya like that winning smile.
And when she winks, I just melt.

Amanda's vintage Candyland Bingo game is
already getting popular with the kids.
Especially spinning the spinner.

Hunter hasn't quite got the toot coming out of the
horn-- he provides a loud HOO-HOO himself.

When we hold a little belated birthday party for
Amanda, Bri gets to blow out the candle.

Hunter loves the action dinosaur we brought back
from an Atlanta thrift shop for $1.51.  Already
got more than our money's worth out of it.

Though it was chilly, we spent a little time outdoors
that day.  I set up old tetherballs for a little pinata
practice (see Evan's last birthday).

Don't get in her way.

Now who is this?

Oh, now I recognize him.  It's Hunter!

Look out, Hunter.  That thing's coming back
for revenge.  Actually, all the kids love for
the tetherballs to whack them.

Creative climbing.  But don't get stuck.

All played out.  At least for a little while.

Claire and Evan like to double up on Grandpa to
watch action videos.  Especially of their cousins.
  The rest of the pictures on this blog are
from our "January Family Night" hosted
by Amanda and Stephen (and Bri and
Hunter, of course).
Stephen knows that Evan has a weakness for
motorcycles-- and anything else that makes
noise and crashes.

Hunter shows cousin Evan his new workbench.
Ungh-ungh.  Or whatever the Toolman says.

Ah, the power of video to captivate.

Bri has really dressed for the part of hostess.

The kids check out their unique eating implements--
race car spoons and forks. Bri agrees to use real
ones because there weren't enough to go around.
That's what real hostesses have to do in a pinch.

Grandpa's secret weapon is to make a "bridge."
The kids can't resist crawling under, and they
like it even better when the bridge collapses.
The carpet helps me out.

New vehicles were a hot commodity this Christmas.
Claire is Evan's designated driver.  Hang on, Ev-man.

The cousins talk it up at the society event of
the year.  Even if it's only January 7.

Hunter casually cruises through.  There are
enough wheels for everybody to get in on the act.

I hope they don't go under any low

The fellows cut up capers on the stairway.

They're a smile a minute.

Meanwhile, super chef Claire is whipping up
an appropriate dessert upstairs.

Evan decides Grandpa's hair needs blow-drying.

Okay, Claire, what have you got in mind now?

Looks like the girls are taking Hunter for a
night on the  town.  Again!

Evan's satisfied to follow on horseback.

But when the girls leave the keys in the car . . . .

Why are they smiling?  If they're good they
get to stay up late.  

Well, maybe it already is late!

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