Friday, May 7, 2010

A Not-so-unexpected Spring Visitor (BOOGER ALERT FOR DEBI!)

I shouldn't have been surprised. Ever since my first summer at Camp Cherokee for Boys in 1972, I've been a snake magnet. Through my camp years and 33 years at Sandhills Farm Life School, snakes, Black Rat Snakes in particular, seem to seek me out.

This particular specimen greeted me Thursday morning as I was getting ready to cut some grass. Snakes don't like lawn mowers, so when I saw my friend I postponed the yardwork for just a little while.

He is about three and a half feet long, but still going. The glossy skin indicated a recent shedding. Like me, he was enjoying the warmth of the morning sun. Note the peculiar "jointed" appearance. This is a characteristic quirk of Black Rat Snakes at rest. I like to think they are relaxing their muscles, which get quite a workout. Among snakes, they are notable as climbers and constrictors.

He has survived this long by using his natural camouflage and ability to move silently and discretely. And somehow getting enough to eat. We had noticed there have been no signs of field mice around this spring. Maybe we have our friend to thank.

Judy was neither surprised nor alarmed when I told her about our visitor. She knew he might keep mice and moles out of our garden. She did mention that Brianna might see him soon, since we take her out to the nearby swing set pretty often. That would be just fine. Jennifer and Amanda both got acquainted with snakes as toddlers, and as far as I know, neither ever got bit. That's more than their dad could say.

This may be the same snake I've seen slither across our front yard or around the house the last couple of years. I hope so. His face looks familiar. But now that I've seen him, I won't be surprised if he doesn't turn up again until next year.
He's a good friend, but he doesn't wear out his welcome.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I really liked the Mother's Day Blog better. It could have something to do with the pictures!