It seemed so strange that I had to wait until I retired to witness a presidential inauguration on live TV. Then again, not since 1960, when John Kennedy was sworn in, have I seen much to get excited about. Yeah, I know I was only 7 years old in 1960, but I was seriously a John Kennedy fan. I don't remember the Nixon-Kennedy debates, but I do remember the neighborhood debates. My friend Lannie was a Nixon backer, but he was out-numbered. It's well documented that Kennedy was not perfect, either as a man or as president. But to me, his wisdom, vitality, and leadership were evident. We've had a variety of leadership styles among our presidents in the last 45 years, but none of them has exhibited the positives I saw in Kennedy. My early impression is that Barack Obama may exemplify the best of the Kennedy leadership model as I saw it. He has the intellect to think for himself, but has the self-assurance to seek and accept wise counsel of others. Obama's nominees for cabinet positions are being well-received thus far. Where Kennedy was constantly faced with Communism's stated goal of world domination, Obama takes the helm in an age of extremist terrorism. He will have to earn the world's respect, but I think both our allies and some of our adversaries will withhold their judgment to see if his deeds match his words. Washington will remain partisan territory, but perhaps the venom and baiting will be reined in. That would be a big step in the right direction. We've been a lot like a rowboat with rowers paddling in opposite directions, never making real progress in either direction. Our country is too big and diverse to think that all will ever agree on any major issue, but at least we have a leader who will listen and search for common ground. Better yet, he does not seem to be self-serving in any way, nor to have sought the presidency for the power it bestows on him. All my readers have seen and heard enough about the inauguration itself, so I'm not really posting about all the hoopla. If we're going to experience positive changes, it will take place through the citizenry rising up to embrace what is right for our country. So what is right? I think we'll find out.
2024 Recap
1 week ago
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