Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Claire Kirby is THREE!

For our family, the Fourth of July will always
be positively associated with another grand

Yes there was a party, but all in all, this
was like a huge play date, starting with 
this new water table from Granny and
Granddaddy.  It helped beat the heat!

How on earth did the boys ever get it
all to themselves!?

Even before hot dogs were served up, Claire
and Riley had decided one of the most fun
things is to douse each other with cool water.

Bri enjoyed the water plenty, but getting to
ride Claire's glide swing was a treat, too.

While Hunter explores new heights.
Perhaps with a few qualms.

Got to try everything.

I keep getting this feeling somebody's 
behind me.

Ditto what I said earlier about "new heights."
"HOLD ON, Hunter!"

"I am holding on.  Calm down, Grandpa."

Cooling down indoors, Hunter shows
Granddaddy some of his skills with a ball.

And Bri asks, "When will I be old enough
to walk with a cane?"

It's time to serve up the food, and Spiderman
plates are an instant hit.

The plates are almost as good as the food
that's on 'em.

Of course, when you're three, presents
are a huge part of birthday.
Or 23, 43, 83, and so on.

And when you're 20 months old, it's fun
to help big sister celebrate a birthday.

This picture neatly divides the over 35 group
and the under 35 group.  Actually, FOUR
generations are pictured.  Ain't it great?!

Wow!  Spiderman actually shows up for 
the party!

"Uh, Mom, that's a little too realistic for me."

Hunter says, "Okay, that stuff's great, but
can we clear a little space for my race car?"

Bri loves having a little cousin that is happy 
to follow her around-- when her own little
brother won't.

But then Hunter decides he doesn't want
to be left out.  He announces loudly each
time he passes a light on the stairway.

Bri and Claire quickly get intrigued by this
mix-and-match doll puzzle.

As if on cue, all five children gravitate close
enough together for a picture.  Missing is
baby Reese, who has already been safely
tucked in.  His day will come.

Hunter knows how to back up to a chair
and get comfortable.  While figuring out
a new tool.

Evan remembers he's got a new race car, too.
"Hey cousin, you wanna drag?"

"No, I'm not sleepy just because I'm rubbing
my eye, Mom.  I just got teary-eyed when I 
saw that beautiful cake you slaved over."

Every cake needs an official taster, right?

This cake also got rave reviews from
another consumer survey.

I know it's hard to believe the children are
all standing still.  It's all because of a really
cool Japanese beetle on Hunter's orange shovel.

Bri courageously isolates it for scientific
study in a pail of water.  If that bug had
been smart, it would have flown away while
it had a chance.  But in fairness, they treated
it like an honored guest, not an intruder.
Which just goes to prove, when you go to a
three year-old's birthday party, you might
as well be prepared for anything.

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