Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Part 2 of the Fantastic Four Return

Here are more happy moments from 
Family Night at the Loyd house last week.
Part 1 was in the previous blog post.

Hunter can't get too much of seeing himself
on the bulldozer last week.

When I suggested to Hunter that he and Evan
share the chair, this wasn't what I had in mind.

But they worked things out satisfactorily.
As usual.

Evan's dilemma:  to look at the camera or
watch Grandpa grinning like a loon.

Hunter prefers his go-to option: the thumb.

Grandma and her girls.

That's right, Evan.  Sneer for the camera.

Grandma passes out fruit snacks-- a reward
for good behavior.

You gonna eat all of yours?

Look, Evan, it's ME!

The fast camera shutter captures Evan's 
throw the instant it arrives.  Stee-rike!

C'mon, Daddy, show me how to throw
a spitball.

If one is good, two is better.
If I had three, I'd juggle.

Grandpa, let's show 'em how to make a tent!

Now you see it, now you don't!

Is that the "Tent that Ate Chicago"?

When the kids pull out Jennifer and Amanda's
old Fisher-Price music kit, everybody makes
a little music.

Evan, why don't you blow it, not bite it?

With Stephen keeping a firm grip on their chairs
 Evan and Hunter ham it up.  No captions needed.

Think Family Night
 will become a regular event?
You bet!

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