Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Mystery Note or Pop Rap?

I came across a piece of paper I found at school a few years ago and saved. I never was sure of its nature. It was written in a rap style, but I could never decide if it was a student's adapted version of a real rap hit or a note of friendly advice from one student to another who had gotten in trouble. Remember, I was at a K-5 school and rap was pretty big.

I can't supply the appropriate sound effects, so feel free to make your own as you read this (original author's errors are left intact). And if you have your own theory as to its origin and true meaning, feel free to share it with me and other readers.

Shame and Lame
It's a shame you did that.
It's a shame you yelled and got excspeld.
It's a shame. Just a shame.
You could of shaved your face
or combed your hare
but at least you didn't akced
like a wild bear.
It's a shame.
Just a shame or extremely lame.
Yo' you what are you.
Are you a shame or extremely lame?
It's plan dom to yell and get excspeld.
The worst that can happen
at shcools like mine is to
eat lunch by yourself or eat
in the precables ofece yo.
Now don't yell or
you well get excspeld.
Any theories? Don't be shy about sharing. No matter how LAME it may sound.

1 comment:

Kylie said...

No idea... But it made me laugh!