Thursday, July 31, 2008

Barber-ic Act

No, it's not misspelled. It's a weak pun (expect more of those, dear reader). Actually, it's about trimming our front hedge. I did it this morning, but I don't recall doing it last year. You see what a high priority it is. But I feel better now and it should be easier for us to water our hanging baskets. Get this: I had to use the lopper to cut the four foot dogwood that had volunteered under the petunia basket. It's a shame to cut a dogwood at any time, but I couldn't go on giving it false hope that it had a chance to mature, and eventually bloom. So out it went, with a tarpful of trimmings from nandina, azalea, camellia, wild rose, and smilax (cat-brier). I didn't get a "before" picture and I hope to add an "after," but take my word for it: it was out of control.

Now for the obligatory explanation of my title, "Barber-ic Act." As I was ruthlessly assaulting the hedge with my implements of torture, I realized why I never could have been a barber. It's all about lack of attention to detail. I'm a generalist, and far from a perfectionist. That works in some areas, but you don't want that from a barber. Talk about accountability. A barber's craft is not easily hidden (even now that guys wear their hats indoors--regrettably).

So the bottom line is, I'm now one step ahead of the hedge. It may not be level, it may not be neat, but it's not winning any more!


Renee said...

Wow! You really went out on a limb with this one - HA HA!

What a hair-raising story!

You're a cut above!

Now I am making myself sick (Judy, stop rolling your eyes)!

Ken Loyd said...

Wait,Renee, don't stop. I'll go get Tim and Mike to help!