Friday, July 25, 2008

Now THAT'S News!

A couple of years ago I read that a growing number of adults, especially from Gen X and Gen Y, are getting a fair share of their news from news parody shows like the Daily Show and Stephen Colbert. Their humor can best be appreciated if you know the real news story that's being satirized, but many folks don't bother. The mainstream networks can only blame themselves, since they've bought into the entertainment-as-news philosophy. I like to sample late-night political humor because all personalities, parties, organizations, causes, and nations are fair game for their darts. At a recent yard sale I stumbled upon "The Borowitz Report" by Andy Borowitz, and I would compare it to the excellent fare found in The Daily Onion (which Jennifer introduced me to years ago). Here are some of the headlines from articles in the book that tickled my funny bone.

Majority of Americans Now Believe Evil is Bad, Survey Says

Osama's Wife, Debbie Bin Laden, Speaks Out

Taliban Shuts Down Regime; Will Focus Instead on Website

*Bill Bennett Loses Wife in Poker Game

**Saddam Denies Pursuing "Nucular" Weapons

Wealthiest .00001 Percent Praise Bush Economic Package

New Tape May Mean Al Gore is Alive

Microsoft Buys Massachusetts

Bush Wins Nobel War Prize

CIA Using Disgraced American CEO's to Infiltrate Al-Qaeda

U2's Bono Proposes Sweeping Social Security Overhaul

O.J. No Longer "100 Percent Sure" He is Innocent

*William Bennett wrote The Book of Virtues and The Child's Book of Virtues before his chronic gambling habit was exposed.
**Reference to President Bush's pronunciation of "nuclear" as "nucular."

I haven't even finished the book yet, but to me the titles are funny even before I read the articles. I just located the Andy Borowitz website and linked it above. Today's post is about John McCain's bold first visit to the Internet.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

I love it!! I think an Onion movie is in the works. You may want to rent it.. or wait for it to come on TV. That should be around year 2010.