Monday, October 27, 2008

More Halloween Funnies (I hope)

More quotation completions from my Halloween archives.

The skeleton rattled his bones and said, "With all this racket, how do you expect me to find my car keys?"
Invisible man replied,"Car keys? I can't even find my pocket!"

The skeleton rattled his bones and said,
  • "Now wait a minute. I know I counted 206 this morning. Where's my collarbone?"
  • "Now what good did it do me to drink all that milk?"
  • "Hey, I just played the first line of 'Chopsticks' on my ribcage!"
As the Mummy stood up to stretch he said,
  • "Well, I'd better get to that yard sale before all the old rags are gone."
  • "I'm so lonely. If I hadn't killed those archaeologists we could have played rummy."
  • "I better watch out or somebody might try to recycle me."
  • "Sometimes I just want to unwrap myself, but I'm scared my guts will fall out."

Dracula sat up in his coffin and said,
  • "That daylight saving time was murder!"
  • "Ugh! What a nightmare. I dreamed all the blood tasted like Elmer's glue."
  • "Hey, it's the weekend. I don't have to go to work!"

As Dracula drank his blood he said,
  • "Ah, this is just the thing to wash down that peanut butter and jugular sandwich."
  • "Urp. . . . That dadburn carbonated blood gives me heartburn."
  • "Hey! This is tomato juice! Who's the wise guy?"
  • "I should have kept this in the refrigerator. It's already starting to clot."

Frankenstein turned on the TV and said,
  • "Another Saturday night, and me without a date."
  • "Something's wrong with our satellite, Wolfman. Barney looks all yellow."
  • "Can't wait to see Oprah today-- 'Monsters with broken hearts.'"

I know they're awful, but Halloween's almost over. If you have five minutes (which I doubt) add your own monster quote to my comments section.


Amanda said...

As the Mummy stood up to stretch he said, "If I don't do my yoga first thing I just unravel."

Dracula sat up in his coffin and said, "All the noises while I slept were driving me batty!"

I know they're awful, but I gave it my all!

Ken Loyd said...

I love 'em, Amanda. They're every bit as funny as the ones you wrote back in second grade! (Still got 'em, don't you?)