Wednesday, December 10, 2008

An Afternoon with Baby Evelyn

We had a most enchanting afternoon with Sally and her 5 month-old darling Evelyn today. Amanda joined us for lunch and we played and chatted until late afternoon. Here, Evelyn is quite intrigued by my book 125 Brain Games for Babies. She said there were a few she hadn't tried before (Evelyn, not Sally).
If you don't like silly captions, just look at the pictures below. As for me, I LOVE silly captions.

"Hey, where did these come from?"
(Alternate: "Wow, I'm symmetrical!")

"Are you thinking what I'M thinking?"

"Okay, will the real Santa please stand up?"

"Listen, sweetheart, I know some things about your Mommy that'll knock your booties off."

"Er. . . I don't mean to sound ignorant, but how do you steer this thing?"

"You put your left foot in, and you shake it all about. . . ."

"Presto! You're alive!"

"Having to do all my disco moves on my back really cramps my style. But just wait!"
"Hey y'all, are you aware of the optical illusions on this quilt?"
"There. I've got a good grip on the big one. Now, honey, if you'll come just a little closer. . . ."

I'm ready to be a grandpa anytime!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great pictures and captions. She is beautiful. I can see a little of Sally in her eye's.