Friday, December 5, 2008


Why are these people smiling?

Even though I'm the THIRD family member to blog about this, there may be a couple that haven't read Jennifer and Amanda's blogs (click on Green Grass and The Talbert Report at the left for the best details). The big news is. . . Jennifer has joined Amanda in the ranks of our pregnant family members! And there, I think, the list will end.

Amanda's gonna have a girl and Jennifer won't find out for a while yet. It's a win-win situation, anyway! Teachers, students, and office staff were ecstatic on our behalf when I shared the news at Farm Life yesterday. A huge number of folks there know Jennifer and Amanda or have kept up with over the years.

Lots of my future posts will pertain to all things "Baby." I've already got lots of ideas. Just one little tidbit today. Michael Blackwell, President of the North Carolina Baptist Children's Homes included a list of Top 2008 Christmas Gifts in the December issue of Charity and Children.

I'll close with this short version, which I wholeheartedly endorse:

While no one would advocate an end to Christmas gift-giving, there are some gifts that you don't have stand in line for at Toys 'R' Us -- or even bother wrapping-- that are sure to make your child truly happy.

  • Start with your full attention, for at least a little while, every day.

  • Like them as well as love them.

  • (My favorite) As a rule, children adore their grandparents, and with good reason: their grandparents adore them. Spending time with them gives children the opportunity to interact with a set of adults who aren't constantly expecting something of them. (ha,ha)

  • Give the gift of "loose time." The ability to work- and play- alone is an important predictor of future academic success. And one-on-one time with a friend, or more important, with someone who could become one is essential.

  • Talk with your children about cutting back on the hype and buying meaningless gifts.

  • Teach your children how to have healthy sense of skepticism when it comes to advertising.

  • Give a book. Presenting a book to a child tells him or her that you value words, stories, and reading as much as you do flowered tights from Gap Kids.

  • Finally, when you give the gift of spirituality, you're giving your children a lifelong friend, a lifelong source of compassion and love.

Parents, don't get caught in the trap of comparative giving. Do the hard work of buying a meaningful gift that will convey your love in a special way to your child. Bless a hobby, enable an experience. We all cry every year about spending too much money at Christmas. This year, save your money, and spend your time.

Dr. Michael C. Blackwell

(speaker, author, husband, father, and grandfather)

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