Wednesday, May 6, 2009

More About Dragons

Here's everything I have about dragons, all in one picture.

There are plastic toy dragons, a deck of playing cards and change purse from Wales, a dragon T-shirt, and dragon art.

My pal Susannah even created a whole booklet with a dragon theme for my retirement party last year. She must have worked on it for days!

Here's a ceramic dragon with almost psychedelic colors.
I love this pewter desktop dragon.

You can't tell from the picture, but this one is sqeezably soft.
Fierce, isn't he?

Here's a traditional red dragon, but still not what I envision in The Hobbit.

"This next dragon looks friendly to me, Grandpa. And Grandpa, when can we read The Hobbit?"
Friendly? Probably. Goofy? Definitely!

I shouldn't have used the black background here. The figure is a black wizard with a dragon curled around his legs. It's actually a candle!

This one looks battle-worthy. Students always liked the sword in his mouth.

Margie presented me with this one a year or two before I retired. Dragons and wizards just go together, don't they?
My most recent acquisition, and maybe my favorite. I got this ferocious-looking pewter specimen from my friend Don at the Eastwood Service Station. Talk about full service!
I forgot to mention in yesterday's Hobbit post that we can hope for the new Hobbit movie in another year or so. Let me know if any of you decide to re-read the book, or even better, read it to your favorite child/children!

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