Monday, February 1, 2010

Seniors for Sledding

I thought about "Celebrity Sledding" for my title, but decided "Seniors for Sledding" was more descriptive of my and Judy's efforts. But before I get to the action-packed sledding segment (including VIDEO), here are some new snow shots from our backyard wildlife and Sunday's neighborhood walks.

Note the beautiful Flicker (woodpecker family) who found something to his liking in our dogwood tree.
Just outside our dining room window, this bluejay is thankful for some dietary supplement.

This squirrel has found the seeds I scattered on top of the ice.

In Judy's prayer garden sparrows, cardinals, towhees, and chickadees forage on the ground or eat seeds on the frozen surface of the birdbath.

We dropped in on Ray. His driveway would be rather daunting for a vehicle, but Judy and I negotiated it with nary a fall.

Icy Murdocksville Road would be an awfully tempting sledding venue. . . if not for a bad experience with a Pinehurst policeman a few years ago!

This year, I'm doing my best to behave and act my age. Well. . . you can be the judge of that.

Now, to the sledding. Even with the melting yesterday afternoon, we knew temperatures in the low teens would ensure us a good sledding surface this morning (Monday). So we headed off to nearby Olmsted Village.

An icy path encircles this pine-shaded pond.

Does the picture below conjure up an R.I.P. type memorial for an unfortunate sledder? Hope it's not me, but that UNC jacket looks familiar.

This hill turned out to be a natural for sledding. Enough slope for moderate speeds, not too bumpy, and a half-minute ride that made it worthwhile.

I also experimented with this frozen gutter a la bobsled, but it was nothing to get excited about.

Never fear, I wasn't about to attempt sledding this hill. A few obstacles at the bottom and my brakes aren't very good!
Here's Judy on our "Green Monster" sled. We have several sleds in the garage. And in the future we hope to need them all!
Does this make my feet look big? Well, they are! Ride 'em cowboy!
And NOW, for the exciting videos I promised. . . and remember, this was on a closed course. Do not, I repeat, DO NOT attempt this at home!
First video, Judy. Second video, Ken.


Daphne said...

Your videos are so cccooollllll....and I love the photo of the Flicker....

Unknown said...

I am glad I didn't get a call to take you to the ER!

Jimmy said...

That looked like so much fun.. You had a good run on you trip down the hill..

Dawn said...

I'm glad you made it unscathed...even your NOSE!!!