Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Back in the Fast Lane

Here it is February 1, and this is my first blog featuring my grandchildren since the start of 2012.  I committed to keeping my recent blogs of the Beulah Hill church renovation up through the end of January.  If you're looking for those, just scroll on down, they're still posted.

Now, back to the grandchildren . . .
Hunter tries to decide which end of his New Year's
horn will deliver the biggest honk.

When Granny was at our house she asked Brianna if
 she wanted a blanket.  Bri answered, "Not right now. . .
 I may go to sleep."  She certainly was played out!

Bri didn't need any instruction on how
to toot that horn.  And what a hoot it was!

Hunter says,"Don't tell me, let me guess . . .
Grandpa's holding me, right?"

Claire, with airplane in hand, advises, "Grandma,
you know you can't really take my picture with
that camera, don't you?"

Presenting: Evan with the world famous P-47
Thunderbolt.  He likes airplanes, too.

Excuse me, this is my break.  Can you
come back a little later?

Mommy says, "I love you, Ev-man."

Claire says there's no place like Grandma's lap
to explore a new book.

Hunter: "Grandma, this pink microphone is a
little tacky.  But I like it!"

Bri: "And why shouldn't I sit like this to read?"

Step 1: This is how you place a
necklace over your head.

Step 2:  If Step 1 misses the
mark, you simply try again.

Step 3: The necklace is ON!

Uh, how do I get this thing OFF!?

Pretty good blog, Grandpa.  I'm looking forward
to the next one.

And the next one is right around the corner, folks!

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