Thursday, February 23, 2012

February Grandkids on Review: Part One

Almost a full month has flown by since I blasted my readers
with all my January pictures.  I'm going to spread February's 
load over multiple blogs and over the next few days.  I've got
other topics I'm excited about writing about soon, too.

Evan works on a stir-fry: "Don't you think it could use
a little more sand?"

Claire has more variations on swinging than any child I know.

Caption 1: "Change is good."
Caption 2: "Change is coming."

We couldn't buy a better toy than this washing machine box
which is well into its third month of use (because I store it
in the garage between grandkid visits.

The irresistible force meets the immovable object.
Your guess as to who will prevail?

Jennifer tries my trick of pulling two vehicles with one rope.
They're headed down to our new climbing tree, a fallen pine.

When Evan sees a camera, his whole face says "CHEESE."

Here's the famous climbing tree.  It won't be long before our
daredevil grands insist on trying to negotiate it solo.

Talk about perfect timing.  Just as Jennifer was pulling
out of our driveway, friends Grace and Dre with children
Elizabeth and Amelia were pulling in for a surprise visit.
Jennifer circled back in and we had an instant mini-playdate.
Amelia and Dre test the swing.

Elizabeth wants to know where she can buy one of these.

Grace, Judy, and Evan.  Three guesses as to which one is expecting.
Oh, I hope it wasn't a secret.

I salvaged a strip of vinyl siding with raised edges to use for
a Hot Wheels racetrack.  Claire starts the blue bus on its way.

And Evan meets it at the station.  Teamwork.

This was as nice a little reunion as you could ask for.
Loyd and Taylor girls are intent on populating the world
with high quality chillun.  And succeeding.

Next post will feature Brianna and Hunter.

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