Saturday, February 25, 2012

F. G. on R. : Part Four

If you're a "regular" visitor to my blog,
you picked up on the abbreviated title 
(see parts 1, 2, and 3).  These pictures
are from two different occasions with
Brianna and Hunter.
Hunter arrived early at our house, still in his pajamas.
Soon he was surrounded by his favorite books, toys,
and games.  And balancing precariously on the edge!

Hunter's always been enthralled by this ball raceway.
We recently acquired more of the right size balls for
this contraption, and he was chunking them in one
after another.

So what do you do with a container when your snack
is gone?  Here's one possibility.

And here's another.

Like most children, Brianna delights in dreaming up
uses for toys that were never intended.  I suppose she
was waiting for me or Judy to caution her not to sit
on this thing, but we never did.  I was, however,
ready to call in all the king's horses and men if she
took a tumble.  Hunter would've helped, too.


Officer, I know this is Pinehurst, but I was
only doin' 15.

The rest of this batch of pictures is from Bri and
Hunter's house.  I wasn't sure why this stool was
turned upside down until I observed Hunter climb
over it, come out on the other side, then turn
around and go back.  His version of an obstacle
course, I guess.

Fully adorned with all her jewelry and a purse full
of necessities and valuables, Bri is off for a trip to
the store.  I wonder what she'll bring us.

No naps were on schedule this day, so the kids knew
that a trip upstairs could be strictly for play.  Bri
slowed down long enough to display her deeply
ingrained maternal instincts.

Hunter says, "Take your picture, quick.  I have
two babies to put in the crib." And he did!

My old knees were thankful for thick carpet.  We
were quite rambunctious, rolling and tumbling on
the floor.  And when I turned into a crocodile, Bri
had to get under the crib to escape.  You never saw
anyone laugh so much at a man-eating reptile.

When Daddy got home from work, it was time for
Grandma and Grandpa to pack up and head home.
Stephen explained the phrase that Bri excitedly
called out to him as soon as she saw him:
I-Pod, I-Pod, I-Pod!!!
What a nice welcome home.  Then she kindly
demonstrated to me and Judy how utterly far
behind we are on technology.  I wonder how
much she'll charge for tutoring.

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