Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Holy Pharaoh! Plague of Blog Frogs Descends on Murdocksville

Don't know if it was this rain or if we made our friendly neighborhood frog a little too welcome. But suddenly, we are deluged with frogs. We assume they are the offspring of the one we met previously (see last Friday's blog) and an unknown friend. I would say this is an infestation of Biblical proportions, but they appear harmless. None have attempted to get into the house yet, and they do make our porch more colorful and inviting. I'm a little concerned about one jumping onto our food next time we eat out there, however. (We will not resort to grilling them as some of you have implied, even though these tight economic times call for culinary frugality and creative meal planning). Sorry, didn't mean to rant, but these amphibians have me a little on edge. One at a time is generally enough (as with snakes). But we're so thankful for the rain we'll gratefully accept the side effects. I'm sorry I called it a plague. They're actually quite charming.


Amanda said...

You're hilarious!

Cindy said...

Ha, funny..how many people will click on snopes??