Thursday, November 20, 2008

Thanksgiving II

Today it's time for a humorous look at Thanksgiving, based on my old school "quotations" activity. Here goes:

As the pilgrim lifted his knife to carve the turkey he said,
  • "Think happy thoughts, Tom."

  • "I'm sorry our friendship has to end like this."

  • "I know what'd be cool. I'll carve it in the shape of Governor Bradford's face."

  • "Well, it ain't honey-baked ham, but it'll have to do."

  • "I just can't do it! Well . . . yes, I can.

When the pilgrim got off the Mayflower he sighed,

  • "Doggone it, I forgot to bring my tennis racket."

  • "Boy I'm beat. Must be jet lag."

  • "If I'd just saved my money I could've come over first class on the Titanic."

The Indian (Native American) stepped up to the pilgrim and said,

  • "Hmm . . . you folks have reservations? Ha, ha, I don't think so. Us Injuns got reservations!"

  • "Chief Massasoit send me to buy 25 of them funny hats for big picnic Thursday."

  • "Chief Massasoit sends greeting to white men. Also, him want to know if you join us for big poker game Friday."

  • "You want two tickets to Braves game, cheap?"

  • "Say, you from England, right? You know my cousin Bernie?"

The turkey watched the Pilgrims start a fire and said,

  • "Now why do they need to do that? It feels perfectly comfortable in here to me."

  • "Hmm . . . let's see . . .smoke, fire, big pot, carving knife . . . let me outta here!"

  • "I sure hope they follow those Indians's advice and try boiled dog!"

  • "Hmm . . . must be making bean soup for Thanksgiving."

  • "Hey, man, didn't your third grade teacher say never to play with matches?!"

The pilgrim children crept up on the turkey and whispered

  • "If we're able to catch him, maybe we're good enough to be on 'Survivor'."

  • "Wow, he looks like a 30 pounder. Better use three sticks of dynamite."

  • "No kidding, we can teach him to roll over, play dead, fetch sticks, and bring in the paper."
  • "Now remember, we're not really gonna cook him, just give him a good scare. Get your water pistols ready."
  • "It's for his own good. We've got to kidnap him and hide him somewhere till Turkey Day is over!"
  • HAPPY THANKSGIVING! Seven more days, but only FOUR school days!

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