Thursday, October 13, 2011

An Afternoon at "Papa's House"

Obviously, the house belongs to Judy, too.  I'm just making reference to what Brianna sometimes says on the telephone: "Papa's house?"  Meaning, "Are we going?  Are we going?"  Here's some of the fun that Bri and Hunter had on a recent fall Tuesday.

Bri: "Yes, the wheels on the bus go round and round.
What else should wheels do?"

Hunter stops off on his "road trip" to peer into
the bathroom.  "What's so special about this
little room?" he wonders.

Hunter: "If I'm not mistaken, this is one
of thosefazers like on Star Trek.
Now, how does it work?"

"Don't worry.  I'll use my powers only for good.

A couple of cardboard tubes were due for recycling.
But they ended up being recycled as toys.
Great for staring, great for shouting into,
great for rolling Hot Wheels cars into.

Treat for the day.  Grandpa found some more
beetles while splitting wood.  Last spring Hunter
wasn't very interested, but things change.

"Hey, that's a trick, not a treat!"
(Don't worry, they don't bite-- he was just
shocked at first touch.)

Experienced big sister explains, "Look, Hunter.
You can pour them out just like sand."

Or give them a thrilling ride in your dump truck.

Pure, unbridled happiness exemplified.
One of my favorite pics ever.

"What do you mean back-seat driver?"
You don't even have a back seat!"

When you're two, picking the best rock out
of a whole driveway is a major decision.

Several months ago I picked up a box of windup
Micro-Pets at a neighborhood yard sale
Bri has played with them a few times (in the back
of Judy's truck).  But today was Hunter's first time.

"Grandma, Grandpa!  I made a new friend!"
And who wouldn't be friends with
this special pair?

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